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主要从事生物大分子递送系统的研究和开发,迄今发表学术论文30余篇,包括以第一(含共同)作者和通讯作者发表于Nature Nanotechnology、Angewandte Chemie International Edition、Advanced Materials、ACS Nano、Nano Letters、Biomaterials等著名期刊;其中1篇入选ESI高被引论文,多篇论文被媒体和杂志作为研究亮点报道或入选TOP 25 Hottest Papers,在学界引起了广泛影响。应邀撰写英文专著章节1章。美国及PCT专利申请6项,授权2项。积极推动研究成果的临床转化,开发的疫苗平台已转让OncoNano Medicine, Inc(ONM-500),获得1540万美元的基金资助其临床研究,受邀担任技术顾问。参与开发的肿瘤实时成像探针(ONM-100)已进入临床II期,并获得美国FDA的快速通道审评。


1. 智能药物输送系统的研究
2. 生物大分子递送系统的研究
3. 肿瘤联合免疫治疗


1. Peng Y, Liang S, Meng Q, Liu D, Ma K, Zhou M, Yun K, Rao L*, Wang Z*. Engineered Bio-Based Hydrogels for Cancer Immunotherapy. Advanced Materials 2024, 2313188.
2. Liu D, Liang S, Ma K, Meng Q, Li X, Wei J, Zhou M, Yun K, Pan Y, Rao L*, Chen X*, Wang Z*. Tumor Microenvironment-Responsive Nanoparticles Amplifying STING Signaling Pathway for Cancer Immunotherapy. Advanced Materials 2023, e2304845.
3. Zhou M, Liang S, Liu D, Ma K, Yun K, Yao J, Peng Y, Hai L, Zhang Q*, Wang Z*. Manganese-enriched Zinc Peroxide Functional Nanoparticles for Potentiating Cancer Immunotherapy. Nano Letters. 2023, 23, 22, 10350–10359.
4. Liang S, Yao J, Liu D, Rao L*, Chen X*, Wang Z*. Harnessing Nanomaterials for Cancer Sonodynamic Immunotherapy. Advanced Materials. 2023, e2211130.
5. Zhou M, Liang S, Liu D, Ma K, Peng Y, Wang Z*. Engineered Nanoprobes for Immune Activation Monitoring. ACS Nano. 2022, 16, 19940-19958.
6. Luo M*, Wang H*, Wang Z*, et al. A STING-activating nanovaccine for cancer immunotherapy. Nature Nanotechnology. 2017, 12, 648-654. (*Co-first author, Equal contribution).
7. Wang Z*, Luo M*, Mao C, et al. A redox-activatable fluorescent sensor for the high-throughput quantification of cytosolic delivery of macromolecules. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2017, 129, 1339-1343.
8. Aroh C*, Wang Z*, Dobbs N, et al. Innate immune activation by cGAMP-PC7A nanoparticles leads to potent and long-acting antiretroviral response against HIV-1. Journal of Immunology. 2017, 199, 3840-3848. (*Co-first author)
9. Wang Z, Yu Y, Dai W, et al. A specific peptide ligand-modified lipid nanoparticle carrier for the inhibition of tumor metastasis growth. Biomaterials. 2013, 34, 756-764.
10. Wang Z, Yu Y, Ma J, et al. LyP-1 modification to enhance delivery of artemisinin or fluorescent probe loaded polymeric micelles to highly metastatic tumor and its lymphatics. Molecular Pharmaceutics. 2012, 9, 2646-2657.
11. Wang Z, Yu Y, Dai W, Lu J, Cui J, Wu H, Yuan L, Zhang H, Wang X, Wang J, Zhang X, Zhang Q. The use of a tumor metastasis targeting peptide to deliver doxorubicin-containing liposomes to highly metastatic cancer. Biomaterials. 2012, 33, 8451-8460.
12.Wang Z, Wang Z, Sun C, et al. Trimethylated chitosan-conjugated PLGA nanoparticles for the delivery of drugs to the brain. Biomaterials. 2010, 31, 908-915.


1. Stimuli-responsive and triggered drug delivery systems. Wang Z, Zhang X, Huang G, and Gao J. Edited by Amiji M and Singh A. The Royal Society of Chemistry, Pages 51-82. Print ISBN: 978-1-78801-113-6.


1. STING activating nanovaccine for immunotherapy. 美国及PCT专利. (UTSD.P3022US.P1、PCT/US2017/020451). 申请日:2016-03-02


1. 2010.辽宁省自然科学奖论文类一等奖. 王思玲、王占友、孙长山、王朝辉. 辽宁省